Hosting Your Own

Registrator Documentation

This document describes how you can host your own instance of Registrator.

Running the Registrator server

There are three components:

  1. Comment Bot: A GitHub comment listener bot
  2. WebUI: A web UI
  3. Registration service: A backend service to which the above components talk to.

This can be run as a standalone server or as a docker container. See directory for instructions on how to build the docker image.

You can use make to control the components of registrator. The Makefile can be found in the run directory. Commands:

  1. make start-all

  2. make start-regservice

  3. make start-commentbot

  4. make start-webui

  5. make stop-all

  6. make stop-regservice

  7. make stop-commentbot

  8. make stop-webui

  9. make restart-all

  10. make restart-regservice

  11. make restart-commentbot

  12. make restart-webui

Config file

See run/sample.toml for description of entries in the config file.

GitHub permissions and subscribed events for the app

You will need read-only permission for: Repository contents, Repository Metadata

You will need read permission for: Issues, Commit Statuses

You will need to subscribe to the following events: Issue comment and commit comment

Private packages and registries

Do not install the public Registrator on your private packages and Registries. Please host your own Registrator for this.

If you do host your own Registrator, you can set it up on your private package:

Allow private organization members to register

The approved() call

The approved() call is a comment you make on a Registry PR. This is disabled on the public Registrator as it requires write access to the repository. It does the following:

  1. If register() was called on a Pull request then that Pull request is merged.
  2. A tag and release with the appropriate version is created on the package repository.
  3. The Pull request on the Registry is merged.
  4. If register() was called on an issue, that issue is closed.

Note that you need to install the Registrator app on the Registry for approval process to work.