    ci_cfg::CIService=auto_detect_ci_service(; env=env);

Main entry point for the package.


  • env::AbstractDict=ENV: Optional dictionary of environment variables, see README for overview
  • ci_cfg::CIService=auto_detect_ci_service(; env=env): CI Configuration, default to what is auto-detected


  • entry_type::EntryType=KeepEntry(): How to handle bumps for entry types
  • registries::Vector{Pkg.RegistrySpec}=DEFAULT_REGISTRIES: RegistrySpec of all registries to use
  • use_existing_registries::Bool=false: Specify whether to use the registries available at the depot location
  • depot::String=DEPOT_PATH[1]: The user depot path to use
  • subdirs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractString}=[""]: Subdirectories for nested packages
  • master_branch::Union{DefaultBranch,AbstractString}=DefaultBranch(): Name of the master branch
  • bump_compat_containing_equality_specifier=true: Bump compat entries with equality specifiers
  • pr_title_prefix::String="": Prefix for pull request titles
  • include_jll::Bool=false: Include JLL packages to bump
  • unsub_from_prs=false: Unsubscribe the user from the pull requests
  • cc_user=false: CC the user on the pull requests
  • bump_version=false: When set to true, the version in Project.toml will be bumped if a pull request is made. Minor bump if >= 1.0, or patch bump if < 1.0
  • include_yanked=false: When set to true, yanked versions will be included when calculating what the latest version of a package is


CompatHelper is a Julia package that helps you keep your [compat] entries up-to-date. Whenever one of your package's dependencies releases a new breaking version, CompatHelper opens a pull request on your repository that modifies your [compat] entry to reflect the newly released version. We would like to eventually add Julia support to Dependabot. If you would like to help with adding Julia support to Dependabot, join us in the #dependabot channel on the Julia Language Slack.



Create a file at .github/workflows/CompatHelper.yml with the contents of the CompatHelper.yml that is included in this repository.

If you need to use any special arguments for the main function, you can modify this file to add them.


For GitLab you will want to add CompatHelper as a job in your .gitlab-ci.yml file such as:

  image: julia:1.6 # Set to the Julia version you want to use
  stage: compat # You can place this in any stage that makes sense for your setup
    - apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y git
    - |
      julia --color=yes -e "
        import Pkg;
        name = \"CompatHelper\";
        uuid = \"aa819f21-2bde-4658-8897-bab36330d9b7\";
        version = \"3\";
        Pkg.add(; name, uuid, version)"
    - |
      julia --color=yes -e "
        import CompatHelper;

Similarly to the GitHub setup, you can modify the main call here if you need to change any of the default arguments. You must also remember to add the GITLAB_TOKEN and COMPATHELPER_PRIV CI secrets to the project so that CompatHelper can find them.

Creating SSH Key

If you use GitHub Actions to either test your package using continuous integration, or build and deploy documentation you will need to create an SSH deploy key. If you wish to reuse an existing SSH key simplify modify the workflow above environment variable to use COMPATHELPER_PRIV: ${{ secrets.DOCUMENTER_KEY }}. Otherwise follow the below instructions to generate a new key,

  1. Generate a new SSH key
    1. ssh-keygen -m PEM -N "" -f compathelper_key
  2. Create a new GitHub secret
    1. Copy the private key, cat compathelper_key
    2. Go to your repositories settings page
    3. Select Secrets, and New Repository Secret
    4. Name the secret COMPATHELPER_PRIV, paste the copied private key
  3. Create a new deploy key
    1. Copy the public key, cat
    2. Go to your repositories settings page
    3. Select Deploy Keys, and Add Deploy Key
    4. Name the deploy key COMPATHELPER_PUB, paste in the copied public key
    5. Ensure that the key has Write Access
  4. Cleanup the SSH key from your computer, rm -f compathelper_key
Base64 SSH Public Key

CompatHelper also supports Base64 encoded SSH Public Keys. One reason for this would be for GitLab usage. On GitLab, if you add an SSH privary key to the CI secrets, if for any reason it prints out, it will show up in the log in plain text. To fix this, you can encode the private key in Base64 which is a format that GitLab can mask in log files.

Once you have created your SSH Public Key as mentioned above, before you delete it, you can convert it to Base64 like so:

openssl enc -base64 -in -out

You can then use the Base64 version in your CI Secret rather than the plain text version. Once that is done, you can delete it from your computer.